DC Day: In ‘Countdown To Final Crisis,’ Orion Fulfills The Prophecy Of The Source And Rips Out Darkseid’s Heart, Killing Him


 DC DAY IN GRAPHIC ARTS WHAT IS COUNTDOWN TO FINAL CRISIS? Countdown To Final Crisis (2007) continues the Countdown (2007) 52-issue weekly series. Countdown goes from issue #51 to #27 then turns to Countdown to Final Crisis till DC Universe … Continue reading DC Day: In ‘Countdown To Final Crisis,’ Orion Fulfills The Prophecy Of The Source And Rips Out Darkseid’s Heart, Killing Him

In 'DC Universe' (2008) #0, Barry Allen falls from the sky, resurrected in Final Crisis.

Overpowered Beings: Super-Charged With The Speed Force, Barry Allen Is #TheAngelOfTheDCMultiverse


 OVERPOWERED BEINGS IN COSMIC HIERARCHY BARRY ALLEN IS #THEANGELOFTHEDCMULTIVERSE In DC Universe (2008) #0, Barry Allen falls from the sky, resurrected in Final Crisis. DC Comics. To begin, Barry Allen was always destined for great things. In Justice League: The … Continue reading Overpowered Beings: Super-Charged With The Speed Force, Barry Allen Is #TheAngelOfTheDCMultiverse