DC Day: Green Lantern Corps


Today, we talk about the Green Lantern Corps! The Green Lantern Corps is an inter-galactic police force set up by the Guardians of the Universe.

The origin of the Green Lantern Corps is told in History of the DC Universe. Following the events of Crisis on Infinite Earths, Harbinger gathers data on the Monitor’s files in order to tell the History of the DC Universe.

The origin of the Green Lantern Corps is told in History of the DC Universe. Photo/DC Comics

We begin our story with scientist Krona on the planet Oa at the beginning of the young universe. Despite legend that attempting to discover the origin of the universe would lead to calamity, Krona did experiments on the origin of the universe. He showed results to the Guardians on Oa and calamity ensued.

“…and the Universe exploded.”

This led to the creation of the positive matter and the anti-matter universes: a multiverse.

“-and with the unleashing of the anti-matter universe there came a wave of evil that spread throughout fifty million worlds, corrupting what had been a paradise.”

The Guardians saw it as their responsibility to safeguard the multiverse from the evil that one of them had created. At first, they experimented on genetics in order to create “the perfect warrior”. They created a race of “genetically transformed lizards” known as Psions which was a failure.

Afterwards, they created the Manhunters, “a corps of android soldiers” whose purpose was “to combat the evil”. In the end, the Manhunters rebelled and “their legions disbanded”.

The Guardians of the Universe finally met success with the Green Lantern Corps. They harnessed the energies of the Emotional Spectrum from the emotional energy of will which the Guardians of the Universe stored in the Central Power Battery on Oa. It was to create green power rings to equip “the bravest from each sector of space”. (History of the DC Universe #1)

The Green Lantern Corps is directed by the Guardians of the Universe and derives its power from the Central Power Battery on Oa. Each green lantern is given a green power ring and is tasked with re-charging it after a 24 hour day with a power battery or the Central Power Battery on Oa. The green lantern is tasked with a sector of space which he or she patrols. There are 3600 space sectors.

In 'History of the DC Universe' #1, the Manhunters rebelled and "their legions disbanded".
In ‘History of the DC Universe’ #1, the Manhunters rebelled and “their legions disbanded”. Photo/DC Comics

The green lantern power rings have great power and have been described as “the most powerful weapon in the universe“. They have the ability to generate green light constructs based on the wielder’s willpower. The power rings can also create energy blasts, detect energy signatures, protect its wielders from the rigors of interstellar travel, and generate a protective aura around the green lantern, finally, enable to translate all languages and have access to the Central Power Battery on Oa, a computer in this regard.

The green lantern power rings enable the green lanterns to perform super feats such as Kyle Rayner holding Solaris the solar computer in a green light construct “plasma bottle” in the 853rd century in DC One Million with the help of Superman One Million’s force vision.

SUPER FEAT: In ‘DC One Million’ #4, Green Lantern Kyle Rayner holds Solaris in a plasma bottle helped by Superman One Million’s Force Vision.

SUPER FEAT: In 'DC One Million' #4, Green Lantern Kyle Rayner holds Solaris in a plasma bottle helped by Superman One Million's Force Vision.
In ‘DC One Million’ #4, Green Lantern Kyle Rayner holding Solaris in a plasma bottle with Superman One Million’s Force Vision. Photo/DC Comics

Hal Jordan of Earth, Space Sector 2814, is regarded as one of the most powerful green lanterns of the Green Lantern Corps, or at least its greatest. His willpower is unrivaled and his power is immense, as well as his heroism.

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